
giovedì 8 giugno 2023

AlphaDev Solves Algorithms Faster Than Humans

Deepmind, Google’s AI branch, has just presented AlphaDev, a Reinforcement Learning agent that can discover faster sorting algorithms on its own.

AlphaDev’s advanced computer science algorithms outperform decades of human benchmarks from engineers and scientists.

These new algorithms are already part of two standard C++ coding libraries and are being used trillions of times per day by programmers worldwide. In addition, AlphaDev has also demonstrated potential in enhancing other essential computer science algorithms, such as hashing.

This represents a significant step towards using AI to optimize the world's code, one algorithm at a time.


mercoledì 31 maggio 2023

Repair slave in MySQL GTID replication, after fatal error 1236 (slave has more GTIDs than the master)

For repairing a broken slave after fatal error 1236.

Last_IO_Error: Got fatal error 1236 from master when reading data from binary log: 'Slave has more GTIDs than the master has, using the master's SERVER_UUID. This may indicate that the end of the binary log was truncated or that the last binary log file was lost, e.g., after a power or disk failure when sync_binlog != 1

slave# stop slave for channel 'mymaster';

slave# reset slave for channel 'mymaster';

slave# set gtid_next='automatic';

slave# change master to master_auto_position=1 for channel 'mymaster';

slave# start slave for channel 'mymaster';

slave# show slave status for channel 'mymaster'\G


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